Friday, March 31, 2006

Did you know Faithfully Yours publishes an ezine? You can view the current issue here.

Highlights include:

*faithbooking starter questions
*gallery ideas
*free wordart
*plus more...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Blog posting...or lack thereof!

I am really horrible at posting in my blog! I am not publishing a faithbooking ezine 3 times per month. If interested you can sign up at I'm trying to decide what I should do with this blog. Perhaps take something from the ezine and post here, just include my occasional ramblings or maybe forget it all together! If anyone is actually reading this, any thoughts? :)

I have recently found a site and have included one of my faithbooking articles there. I hope to add more soon, both on faithbooking as well as on general scrapbooking. My next project is "scrapbooking for kids".

Well, I suppose that is it for this post. Drop me an email and let me know what is on your mind!

