Friday, March 02, 2007

Scrapbook Challenge-ABC

If you have visited the forum recently, you are aware of an ABC scrapbook challenge going on. Each week we will be focusing on a new letter. This is a great challenge to work on with your kids or do yourself. Customize it to suit your needs and wants to get what you need out of it and bring you closer to God.

I, as usual, have fallen behind, but am now caught up. Yeah! I decided to do the challenge a little differently to best suit me. A little background...a while ago our family went out to eat and had to wait to be seated. With a large family it is sometimes difficult to get seated quickly and we were already hungry. To help pass the time, Katlynn came up with a game. We tried to come up with as many words as we possibly could starting with the letter "A" that are biblical in nature. Once we felt we had fully exhausted the possibilities with A, we moved on to B and so forth. This continued on while we waited for our food and in the van on the way home. It was a lot of fun and a great distraction! So, I decided to do this challenge as a family effort. We all sat down and brainstormed the words, then each child got to decorate their own letter. Here are are first four letters...

A by Kori, age 5.
B by Katlynn, age 12.
C by Kelsey, age 10.
D by Kimi, age 8.

I hope you enjoyed the first four letters on our journey. Stay tuned with more...I intend to compile these into a paperbag album and include the background story. I'll post pictures when it is ready.

Don't forget to visit the forum for more details on the challenge and the gallery for more samples from faithful members!




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