Remembering God through Nature
Laura has done a great job in explaining just how you can incorporate "God in Nature" in your scrapbooks.
- Begin by finding photos from nature, animals(no people), vacation scenery, your flower garden, etc.
- Look at the photo, what is it "saying" to you? What scripture comes to mind?
Layout by Laura
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. - Hebrews 11:1
Fall on Evensville Mountain shows evidence of God's art. Fall 2006
"For many, these photos are part of a vacation, but look beyond the photo you hold in your hand and look into the photo. What do you see? You see the very hand of God and what He created in all of HIS infinite wisdom, power, and glory. Those trees, those animals, those flowers, even the very sky, grass, dirt, etc. were all created by HIS Most wonderful power and majesty. HE is worthy to be praised! Praise The Creator in your scrapping! Future generations as well as those loved ones of yours now need to know of HIS Glory. "-Laura
Above is just one sample, visit the forum for more page ideas, title ideas and sharing with others! Thank you Laura.
Beautiful Laura!
I have pictures that I have taken of my backyard in all the different seasons -- God's glory is evident everywhere! I think I'll do a page w/ the verse out of Romans where He reveals Himself & men are w/out excuse!
It is gorgeous, Laura. God is good.
First of all thank you for visiting my blog!! Secondly, thank you so much for sharing about Faithbooking, I will be back to learn more!
In Him,
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