Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Another Storm

A storm blew through on Wednesday, July 19. We were at church during the storm and witnessed alot of wind damage there. When we arrived home we couldn't make it to our driveway as our street was blocked with downed trees. We were without power, neighbors had holes in their roofs, our house seemed to be fine just alot of tree damage. We spent Thursday cleaning up and were blessed with church family stopping by to help with the clean up. Our neighbors all pulled together, helping each other out and talking more than we have in years. Funny how it takes a storm to bring the neighborhood together, or is it?

Friday morning we began packing the van for our trip to Wisconsin for the half-ironman my husband and bil were participating in. When storm #2 blew through. We headed for the basement until the tornado sirens stopped and discovered more downed trees including a huge branch on my husband's car. We had to break out the chain saw once again and move trees out of the street, but decided to go ahead and go since there wasn't much we could do here still without power and we had campground reservations. We arrived home Monday night and still had no power. We stayed with my mil that night and decided to head to Kansas City to stay with my bil. We are very blessed with Shawn's (dh) job that he can work from home with this work laptop and were able to go where we could enjoy the convenience's of life. (power, air conditioning, refrigerated food)

An extra bonus for me is my friend Anna and FY Design Team member lives close by and I can visit with her. We met up Friday morning for a scrapbook session and I was able to meet another friend and list member. I did not bring any scrapbooking supplies with me, but realized I had digital pictures of the storm and a digital scrapbook kit "No Fear" available in the FY store that I had never played with. So I was able to scrap afterall. Here is the layout I did:

(click image for larger view and use browser back button)

*No Fear digital kit by Kelly Shults of www.Scrapix-Design.com

I have more pictures from storm #2 and hope to get to that layout soon. Be on the lookout! :) We are back home, power is back on and things are almost back to normal. Soccer season has started. Four girls on four different teams, 3 practicing on Tuesdays and games every Saturday. Can't wait! Until next time...




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