I want to talk about a recent experience here in the Stegall house. A storm blew through the area and we had lost power for several hours. Our family plus several friends were over. We sat in the basement by candlelight talking, playing and enjoying each others company while waiting for the storm to pass. Once it did, we still had no power. We moved back upstairs and all sat by a picture window in our front rooom where it was very brightly lit and played handclapping games! With four girls and two female friends, the two males in the house were starting to get pretty competitive with this handclapping game "Down by the banks". But the girls prevailed! Then we switched to playing Uno. I think we should change the name to "Sorry!" Everytime we played a "bad" card we said, "I'm sorry, but it was all I had!" Too funny! We moved to the family room, cuddled up on couches and starting discussing the sermon and Bible study from earlier that morning. Although we were under watch until 11:30, our friend felt it was safe enough to leave. Katlynn, my oldest daughter, didn't agree. She wrote a poem about the entire experience. Together we turned it into a scrapbook page.
The Storm
The storm hit the city, it didn't look pretty. We were all so worried. Then we all hurried to safety... But lately it didn't sound good, then it started to clear up. But abruptly we started to have fun. While we were playing it went away. It sarted to look good, it would be okay. We started to pray, the sky looked gray. Til 11:30 we were on watch, but then she botched and went home. The phone wasn't wroking, but the cell started ringing. She told us when it would occur. We were all talking about how much we loved God. And how we spread his Word because we love Him. He saved us from the storm, even though it was raining it is better. God saved her, she is okay. Hallelujah! April 2, 2006
Scripture on tag:
The Lord is my strength... Exodus 15:2
Materials used:
*Reminders of Faith Hope collection blue leaves, blue reversible cardstock, tag sheet
*Crossed Paths Praise collection-Give Praise
*American Traditional stickers
Title: computer font "chiller"
Circle punch, stamped with button
*Available in the Faithfully Yours
i am just so impressed with your knowledge of scripture. Are you ordained? you just seem to come up with the right piece at the right time, i wish i could do that. Thank you for sharing.
Oh my! No I am not ordained. It is God working through me for you at the right time! Thank you for posting your comments, it makes it all worthwhile. I only wish I had more time to add posts! I appreciate you.
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